This blog serves as both a gallery and archive of all the things I have produced past and present. Some of the work you will see here is for school assignments, some of it is done on my own personal time. I work in both digital and traditional media.

My official professional portfolio website is

Friday, April 13, 2012

Concept Art - Senior Project

Environmental Concept piece for my senior project class. I'll definitely be posting more work from this project, which is progressing nicely.

Card Game Art

I did these small card art pieces a long time back for a gameplay design class. I still think there are some cool things going on in these so I thought I'd post them.

Graphic Novel Cover

A cover I did a while back for a planned graphic novel. Unfortunately, with all the work I have to do, the possibility of this reaching a level of completion any time soon has become more and more slim. Maybe some day.

Still, I was pretty happy with this splash page.

Game Asset Design

A few screenshots of two scenes completed in a environment design class. Both scenes were set up and rendered in UDK. The tower/cave scene was done as a group project, though most of the assets in the screenshots I've posted were done by me. (That isn't to suggest that my fellow group members did not submit quality work, I'm just posting mainly my assets so that I don't take credit for anything they did.)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Digital Sketch

It's been a bit since I posted, but I'm not stagnating. Most of my time and effort goes into school projects. Things I won't post till later in the quarter.

Here's one of the few things I've managed to do in my free time.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Digital Sketch

A sketch I finished on my own time. I'll probably flesh this out more and try to turn it into a painting sometime in the future.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Level Design - Final Concept Drawings

I had planned on posting these yesterday but the drawing paper I did them on was too wide for my scanner. I had to wait and scan them in class.

The idea was to design a level with good flow that follows a driving narrative. The first pic is a complete overview of the stage, and the following pics are detail drawings of certain areas within the stage.

These were done with a plain ol' fine sharpie on drawing paper.